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Only a few words for understanding in general.
This website is for ALL persons with the familyname: Kloosterhuis. In 1811 there were more persons who choose the familyname Kloosterhuis even though they where not relatives.
I have given the different genealogical trees a different name. The tree I belong to is called: "Mijn tak Kloosterhuis". My position is in the 10th generation (
When you have some information on one of the trees, please send a mail (click:"Wil je mailen?!").
Be sure that the data is correct; data from official identity-cards, weddingbooks, to be certain of the complete (christian) name.

All children of the eldest known (tree)father have a number.
The number of the eldest father is one (1). This means first generation. A generation is an array. For example, the 10th generation is an array of 10 numbers. A next generation is created by extending the array with an additional number.
An array with 5 numbers, for example wants to say this is the fourth child of and the grandfather is 1.1.3.
Do you know your number, then your children get your number + the number 1 for the first child, 2 for the second child, and so on.

gedoopt = baptised
geboren = born
getrouwd met = married with
hertrouwd (met) = married again (with)
samenwonend (met) = living together (with)
overleden = died
kinderen = children
dochter van = daughter of
zoon van = son of
sinds = since

You can also look at "Onze vijver/tuin" to see our pond and garden in construction.